Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pastor's Perspective - Airtrafficsnoozeophobia

Do you have a fear of flying?

If you do, the official name for that fear is ‘aerophobia’. For many people this is a real challenge. However, just when you thought that phobia was daunting enough – now you can add ‘airtrafficsnoozeophobia’!

If like me you’re a fan of current events, you know that in recent weeks, several air traffic controllers throughout the United States have lost their positions for sleeping on the job. While planes filled with passengers circle over head, the personnel trained to guide them safely are using their radar screens as pillows.

All of us as ‘real people’ understand the reality of fatigue, fighting to stay awake when we need to be alert. However, in an area so vital to the wellbeing of so many, this regrettable rash of instances is drawing immediate (and yes embarrassing) national attention and governmental response, including not only the terminations of the dozing controllers themselves, but also higher-ups with the FAA.

I don’t know about you, but I sleep very well on planes. I’m not sure if the hum of the engines, the boredom of transcontinental flying, or the sweet and seldom opportunity to just sleep, make it part of what I do. Up until these recent news stories, I always just assumed that I was in good and competent hands. Though sitting in a seat seven miles up in the air traveling 500 mph is a rather odd dynamic I must admit, I always rest knowing that I will safely arrive at my destination. However, this is a vivid reminder that behind even state-of-the art aviation and science, stands….um…lies..humanity, in all its inconsistency and weakness.

The psalmist tells us in 121:4 that God never slumbers or sleeps. Put this way, He is always alert and available when we need him on our journey called life. When we’re taking off, He’s available. When we’re cruising along routinely and uneventfully, He’s there. When our life’s flight is in ‘landing phase’, He’s alert and present – never out of contact.

God conveyed this comforting truth through the prophet Jeremiah, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (33:3)

Isn’t it awesome to know that the Lord is always available to listen, to guide us, and to comfort us any time of the day or night?

Call to Him. He’ll always answer.

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