Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pastor's Perspective - Who Are You Wearing?

Dear FCC Family & Friends,

So, what are you wearing tonight?

If your young ones are anything like mine, they woke up this morning excited about donning their costumes and knocking on doors as soon as possible. Emma, 9, is going as Princess Lea. Sam, 7, is a policeman. Abi, 7, is a hippy. And, Lily, 6, is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz this year. Adorable!

Some of you are in businesses that require that you dress up today. While I was in the banking biz I dreaded this day. One year I came to work as a cowboy and felt crunchy all day long. It’s hard to talk to Mr. Smith about his investments when he keeps glancing up at your Stetson!

Did you hear about the drunk Halloween reveler in Germany who got mistaken for a corpse? Apparently a 24-year-old dressed very realistically as a zombie passed out on a train trying to get home and was unresponsive. Fellow passengers thought he had been murdered! The police were called in and quickly put two and two together. He was ordered to wipe off his make-up and continue his journey.

So, what are you wearing tonight? Paul told the Roman believers in 13:14 to “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The apostle was not challenging his ancient and modern readers to put on a Jesus costume, or just act like Jesus. Instead, he was challenging them to let the authentic life-changes that Jesus makes on the inside outside!

So, more importantly than ‘WHAT are you wearing’ is the question – WHO are you wearing tonight? Let’s humbly remove all doubt of who we belong to and what He is doing in our lives. Despite changing fads and trends – wearing Jesus is always fashionable. He’s the Designer of designers!

In the Fight,


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