Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pastor's Perspective - Working the Lord's Way

Dear FCC Family & Cherished Friends,

Although I’m not a big Indianapolis Colts fan, I am a big Tony Dungy fan. I remember years ago when he came to Tampa Bay as a relatively unknown and unproven commodity, and in short order turned a perennial losing franchise into winners. However, more important than the wins Coach Dungy brought to Tampa, was the man the Lord brought to Tampa. For years he was a glowing example of servanthood and true humility in a league synonymous with self-promotion and trash-talking (uhum..TO). Sadly, even after he left for Indy, his steady, quiet demeanor and the way he nobly walked through personal tragedy continued to inspire many – including this pastor.

Last Sunday evening as the global spotlight shined on Dungy, predictably this authentic man of God reflected the praise back to the Lord, his team and his community. When asked about the social significance of being the first African-American coach to hoist the famed Lombardi Trophy Dungy replied, “That means an awful lot to our country. But again, more than anything, I’ve said it before, Lovie Smith and I, are not only the first two African-Americans, but Christian coaches, showing that you can win doing it the Lord’s way – we’re more proud of that.” I believe him.

In the brutal and brash face-mask-grabbing environment that is the NFL, Dungy never raises his voice and never uses foul language. He is a rare spiritual salmon swimming against the strong current of the worldly norm.

Sunday evening his comments ran through my head and challenged me to challenge you with this question – Are YOU doing your vocation the Lord’s way?

Coming from the secular business world, I certainly understand and remember the temptations to exceed and meet expectations in a highly competitive world. Sometimes we tend to be lambs on the weekend and lions throughout the week, to make a living, be the bread-winners, and win the company incentive. Temptations included deception, compromise, intimidation, stress, greed and self-centeredness. Yet, Coach Dungy reminds all of us that in the workplace, there is a way to do it the Lord’s way; that Christian integrity is a 24/7 expectation from our Father.

Stressed-out? Worried? Stuck in the middle on the corporate ladder of success? Ask the Lord today to help you identify ways to do your job His way. Ask Him daily to empower you to do it for His glory – compromising nothing. Remember, you’re an ‘Employee of the Year’ just waiting to happen! Thanks for the reminder Coach.

Join me this Sunday at 9:00 & 11:00 for Part 4 of our current series ‘The Road to Recovery’. Our attendance last Sunday was 370 – so come early to for good seats and an unforgettable encounter with the Lord!

In the Fight (Together!),


Anonymous said...

Right on Steve! I was moved by his comments on Sunday as well. Have a great day....


Anonymous said...

Thanks! As I am dealing with my job being scrutinized from every direction, this reminded me why I am doing it - for God, not man. It will be God who gets me through this, and He will get the praise. Candy

Sharon said...

We were just talking about this very thing at our connection group! Sometimes I wonder.... Do you read my mail Steve? Do you have a contract with that pesky fly that is always on my wall? I overheard the kids the other day talking about how I always know when they are doing something wrong. Even when I'm not in the room. I just do. I'm mom. Is it the same with Pastors? Do you just know??
Tony Dungy's words moved me too. I was so excited for him! And how can you not love a guy named Lovie! I'm very proud of both of them.
