Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pastor's Perspective - Super Sunday

Dear FCC Family & Friends,

Are you ready for some football?! More importantly, where are you planning on watching the big game and what are you planning to eat? Are you planning on grilling or just ripping open bags?

As you know this Sunday is Super Bowl XLI featuring the Chicago Bears and Indianapolis Colts. Got a favorite? Sadly, very rarely does this hyper-hyped global event ever live up to its…well…hype!

News reports show that thousands of even marginal fans are currently making there way to the big game in Miami. Most have planned this event for at least a year. Thousands are aggressively bidding and grabbing up stratospheric-priced tickets on Ebay. Likewise, they have no problem or hesitation paying greatly inflated prices for lodging, transportation and souvenirs. And though I’m not an Old Testament prophet, I guarantee that nobody will be arriving late at the stadium. As a matter of fact, most will arrive early enough to tailgate, walk in when the gates open, watch every move as the teams warm-up, hang on every piece of pre-game entertainment, and call their family and friends gloating from the stands! The funny thing is that in five years, few of us will remember who played, what the score was, or where we watched the game. We might remember who sang the National Anthem or which beer commercial made us choke on our nachos! Again, the Super Bowl rarely lives up to its hype.

This Sunday the Creator of the Universe is coming to church. Where two or three are gathered in His name He promises to show up. Likewise the Bible says that He inhabits the praises of His people. Yep, God is coming to FCC this Sunday! The One and Only whose power and glory is beyond the scope of our highest human imagination and comprehension is visiting us this weekend. As you have witnessed, when His Spirit shows up and moves amazing things always happen. Real people get really saved. Real people get really delivered. Really discouraged people get really happy. Real praise goes up and real blessings come down! Yet, with all that promised and in-store, most of us will lack preparation and arrive late. Many will casually prepare to attend the evening before and meander into church at their own convenience. Friends, what does this convey to others? Most importantly, what does this convey to your Lord?

Let’s all show the Father that He deserves more preparation, forethought, discipline, and action than a football game we’ll all forget before spring comes! Isn’t He worthy? This Sunday the Creator of the Universe is coming to church. Yep, I’m ready for some football – but I’m more ready for God! How about you?

This Sunday I’ll be sharing Part 3 of the message series ‘The Road to Recovery’. A BIG EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT is guaranteed!

Interested in going to Kenya? Join Anthony & Tricia Isayi in The 4th Watch at 12:45 this Sunday for a short informative meeting.

Don’t forget to RSVP or purchase your annual Valentines Banquet tickets this Sunday at the Welcome Center.

Also, our Signpost ministry is off and running! Signpost #3 with Dave Gleason meets this Sunday at 9:00 AM upstairs in the Youth Worship Center. Contact Dave at the church for details.

I love you!

In the Fight,

Steve Kiefer


Anonymous said...

football is for wimps!

Anonymous said...

Great job Bro! When you finally write that book, let me know!!!!