Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pastor's Perspective - Stuff I've Never Seen

I was young and now I am old, yet I have never see the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. - (David) Psalm 37:25

Righteousness is God's standard for a holy life. The only way to acquire and live a holy life is to give God our unrighteousness and exchange it for the righteousness of His Son - Jesus Christ - which He freely offers each of us today through His cross. Through that adoption process, we become children of the Most High God; a grace that guarantees His guarded loving care.

David reminds us here that righteousness comes with an amazing benefits package! The Lord will not forsake the righteous or abandon us in our time of need. To do it would violate His character, something impossible for Him do. His love is unchanging and never fails!

Bottom-line: God cares about you - and you are absolutely helpless to do anything about it!

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