Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Pastor's Perspective - A Real Place?

Dear FCC Family & Friends,

Do you believe in a place called Hell?

In recent months Carlton Pearson, a prominent mega-church pastor in “Tulsa-rusalem” denounced the very existence of Hell; and in the process lost most of his members, his credibility and a stellar reputation. According to Pearson, a crisis of faith occurred when he could not reconcile a merciful God with a customized place of torture for unbelievers. He eventually denied the infallibility of the Bible and now views it as a book by primitive men about God, filled with mistranslations, political agendas, pagan leanings and human emotions. According to an ABC News report, Pearson states that people who believe in Hell create it for themselves and others. “People who believe in devils and demons become that in consciousness and they act it out.”

So, what do you believe? Consider the following.

According to Hank Hanegraaff, Jesus of Nazareth spent more time talking about Hell than He did about Heaven. In His infamous Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) He warned about the dangers of Hell a half a dozen times. In His Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25) He repeatedly warned against the judgment to come. In His famous story of Lazarus and the Rich Man (Luke 16), He graphically portrayed Hell as a real place of unspeakable torment.

The whole idea of choice demands that we believe in Hell. Without Hell, there is no choice. And without choice, Heaven would not be Heaven.

Common sense tells us much about the reality of such an agonizing place. Without Hell the wrongs of murderers and tyrants would never be righted. Even ancient people knew this! David knew that for a time the wicked might appear to be getting away with it, but in the end the God of justice would prevail.

Lastly, if there is no Hell, there is no need for a Savior. Why would God Himself submit to the most agonizing torturous death for no reason? Without Hell there is no need for salvation. Without salvation, there is no need for a sacrifice. And without sacrifice, there is no need for a Savior.

Jesus used the worst place imaginable, Jerusalem’s stench-ridden burning dump, to describe and compare Hell – a place never created for people, but instead for the devil and his angels. People who go there will go there by their choice – not God’s! A bloody cross proves that point.

So, what do you believe?

Friends, Jesus lived a real sinless life, laid down His life on a real cross and died for our real sins; and three days later walked out of a real grave, so, you and I wouldn’t have to ever enter a real Hell, but instead enjoy a real indescribable eternity with God. Really!

To quote an ugly preacher I saw in the mirror this morning – “It’s dumb to go to Hell!”

In the Fight,



Anonymous said...

I totally agree it is dumb to go to Hell When Jesus made a way for us!! I wish all people knew that

jpal said...

Excellent perspective, Steve. My faith and belief in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, and Heaven, also make me believe there is a hell.

And for those who question this, hell is not the state of Texas.

jeramy sossaman said...

Praise God! It's dumb to go to hell!!!!!

holly said...

I love this blog. Just checked it out for the first time. It's great to hear your eloquent and straightforward way of communicating the Truth from many miles away. Thanks for standing up for and standing on the Word of God. The Lord certainly uses you to shine light into peoples lives.

Anonymous said...

We should make FCC t-shirts!

"It's Dumb to go to HELL"

Anonymous said...

You write very well.