Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pastor's Perspective - Be The Invitation!

Last month we at FCC instituted yet another way to extend love and hospitality to our first-time guests – a special ‘Guest Reception’ in The 4th Watch. Immediately following each Sunday worship service, guests are invited upstairs to our premium coffee café to meet the staff and enjoy a delicious espresso drink of their choice – on us! Of tremendous importance to us as a church is our desire to make each guest feel welcomed and valued.

 On a personal note, to you our FCC faithful, thank you for giving me this time to move from the platform to the second floor expediently to make these special and necessary connections with the wonderful people the good Lord is sending our way. Means a lot to me.

 One of the first questions I like to ask a new person is how they heard about our church. The answers vary greatly. Many reply that they found us online. In other words, “I googled you guys. I really liked your website.” While several others tell us that the church sign on the corner was the thing that enticed them to check us out. Heard often around here, “I’ve been driving by your church for years, and I always read the sign. I thought I’d finally stop in.”

 Our history has proven that the gateways into a guest coming to FCC on any given Sunday are absolutely limitless! However, there is proven way that we can sometimes forget in the fast lane lives we live – the personal invitation. Polls nationwide agree that one out of every four of your family members or friends would agree to accompany you to church if you asked them.

 Admittedly in our society, there is a temptation to use technology to do all of our personal things for us. However, no gadget or form of social media can replace your warm personal phone call, your knock on the door, or your smiling face. If people know that you genuinely care about them, proven by selfless acts; and, that you have true peace, contentment, and hope in your life, they will most likely say ‘yes’ to your friendly invitation.

 So, as we embark into another toasty Solano County summer together, remember that everyone you live near, work near and play near needs Jesus. Let’s not rely solely on our church website or marquee to be our primary invitation instruments as a congregation. My challenge to you is – BE THE INVITATION!