Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It Starts with Us...ME!

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. - Proverbs 14:34

As we talked about on Sunday, the church is the only hope for America. We must be the restorers of the breech through our return to righteousness. True national revival must begin in the body of Christ! We must see our vital role in restoration as more than mere church attendance. We must do 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our revival begins and happens as each of us experience the freedom only Jesus Christ offers. Its hard to help others when we are trapped beneath the rubble of accepted unrighteousness living.

As we get free individually, the church gets free. As the church gets free, it moves, changes and flavors lives, communities, states, and ultimately a nation. Therefore, the first step is taking a long honest look at the person in the mirror.

Remember, its not about government - its about the church. We've been waiting on Washington DC to change and do something; when the Bible tells us that Washington DC is waiting on us!


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