Friday, July 20, 2007

Pastor's Perspective - What a Church!

Dear FCC Family & Friends,

By the way, if I haven’t told you lately - I serve the greatest congregation west of the Mississippi!

During the last few weeks Michelle, the kids and myself have had a blast entertaining out-of-state family members. It’s been fun playing the role of tour guides, showing off the spectacular place the Lord allows us to minister. Of highest joy has been the honor of introducing them to you – our California kin. They thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and seeing firsthand why we rave about FCC and our little corner of the planet.

Earlier this week I took my niece Brittaney to San Francisco to Haight-Ashbury, a place she had studied recently in college. We found it to be quite groovy and far-out man! After checking out a few more places together, we started to smell something other than sourdough bread in the air – my clutch burning. Although we loved the many city hills, my little VW didn’t!

After allowing it to cool down a bit we started the trek back to Fairfield. On the Bay Bridge (of all places!) the car began to die and lose all forward momentum. Did I mention that we were in the far left-hand lane in rush hour traffic?! It’s amazing how zealous a prayer-life can become in such circumstances. I didn’t want my sweet young niece to worry, so I Kung-Fu gripped the steering wheel and ‘had a little talk with Jesus’ hoping He’d make it right. He did! By His loving kindness we got across many lanes onto the shoulder of the freeway before losing all power to move. Just a few hours earlier we had been laughing at Nehru jackets in store-fronts while devouring ‘Cherry Garcias’ in sugar cones, now we were stuck. My car had unexpectedly become a German-engineered paper weight!

It’s funny how the combination of proper perspective and God’s people make all the difference. Brittaney and I made the best of it. We had purchased a couple of bags of mini-doughnuts at Fisherman’s Wharf and quickly figured that if we each ate one a day, we could last through July! We laughed and made the best of it because we took an eternal perspective on things. Friends, in five million years when I’m just as alive as ever, a worn clutch will be a non-issue! Think about it.

Next, as mentioned, God’s people rallied and came through. I felt terrible calling anybody the first night of VBS. Being the loving, compassionate and resourceful one, our elder Mike Kleeman quickly attained a car dolly and he and his son Andrew came to the rescue. What a relief! Their attitudes were stellar as they worked efficiently in tandem to get us back on the road – towed, but on the road. Since then, several other FCC family members have offered mechanical advice and have even offered their own vehicles until the repair is completed. Wow, what a church!

In closing, as I mention frequently from the platform - we are not a perfect church. We are comprised of highly fallible people, who over the course of time predictably disappoint each other in one way or another. Our leaders likewise are not perfect. We’re human. We’re fallen. We’re a rag-tag lot who most likely cause our Father to do a whole lot of head-wagging. However, one thing I know – we’re sincere in our efforts to love God and others in ever-increasing ways. Wasn’t it Jesus who told us that it is by our “love” that the world would see our authenticity and take notice? Friends, perfection we lack. Love we’ve got!

In the Fight,



jpal said...

You are more than welcome to borrow my scooter...

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome church, I have seen more than once when your in need of help you don't even need to ask there are many people to help and love us, and it is genuine, they truly love us and want to be there for their whole church family. Anything we can do to help let us know also

jeramy sossaman said...

I started to write something sarcastic....but then I realized I should just say what I'm thinking. You're right....there are great folks here at FCC. I'm glad to be a part of such a great church! Let the love fest continue!!!