Friday, January 30, 2009

Pastor's Perspective - Facebook = Gracebook!

Well it’s official. I have 192 friends! At least that’s what Facebook is telling me today.

For several months I honestly tried to avoid the whole Facebook thing, thinking it was just another trendy trend in a long line of trends. However, since giving up and giving in late last year, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this high-tech relational phenomenon. Admittedly, I’ve had a few challenges along the way. My wife and personal tech support person Michelle had to set me up; something I’d still be doing without her help. Also, when it comes to ‘Status Updates’, its difficult for me to somehow detach and present myself in the third person! Every time I do it I hear that creepy little boy’s voice from ‘The Shining’ – “Danny doesn’t like…” Also, I try to be witty with my updates – something that wastes time and needlessly maims a lot of my dwindling brain cells. My hand to God, last week during my short drive home from church I wrestled with posting the status update – ‘Steve Kiefer is wondering if Chaka Khan ever really felt for him’…. Think about it…..remember the song…. (crickets).

The global success of Facebook is only a reminder that God made us all to be relational beings – with Him and with each other. Not one of us was created to live in a vacuum, independent. Instead we were made through relationships for relationships. That somehow God’s genius, message and artistry is accentuated through our togetherness. That we can never be fully alive and all that we were crafted to become without the dynamic of intertwining.

1 Peter 4:10 reminds us that God’s amazing and available grace to mankind is not some abstract or ethereal thing that floats down and lights upon us as angels sing the soundtrack. The apostle shares that God’s grace, in its various forms, comes through people! That as we intentionally climb into each others lives and faithfully and humbly bend a knee to serve each other, God Himself works through imperfect but available humanity.

Face it Facebookers! Beneath our witty rat-tat-tat banter, and the photos we hand-select to make us appear more attractive than we really are (Oh snap! He went there!) – I need you and you need me. Much of what you’re wanting God to supernaturally zap your way, has already been intentionally and lovingly gifted into the people around you. So as you reach up, remember to reach out – by God’s design the two go hand-in-hand.

Maybe Facebook should be renamed Gracebook! And yes, sadly, I’m still wrestling with the whole Chaka Khan thing…(redrum)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pastor's Perspective - Crisis Avoided

Last night when I got home from Bible study, I greeted Michelle and the children. Having not seen them all day long, I was eager to connect with each of them with a hug. Each reciprocated affectionately but one – our youngest Lily. I asked ‘Chelle’ in hushed tones what was going on with her. Chelle informed me in a very matter of fact way that Lily was moving out and leaving the family. Lily’s reasoning? “To get a better life.” I almost spit out my teeth! Apparently Lily wanted to go to a church friend’s house, but was turned down by her mother. Disillusioned and feeling somewhat powerless in her 7-year-old world, she saw no other alternative but pulling up her tent pegs and venturing out for something…better.

Fortunately this was a crisis avoided. This morning as I left to come to the church it was goodbye hug-time. Lily was quietly sitting on the couch, watching television, sucking her finger. I passionately lifted her up into my arms and as I held her told her how thankful I was that she changed her mind; that the Kiefer family just wouldn’t be the same without her. She just smiled sweetly, never taking her finger out of her mouth.

Today as I was still chuckling about last night, I was reminded of a good life lesson. All of us at times have wanted to walk away. In moments of sadness or perceived injury, we have been tempted to throw in the towel on the whole shootin match. Whether it is a marriage, a career, a friendship or even a church – we’ve all been tempted to cash in our chips and start over somewhere else. The lure of newness and starting over can sometimes be very appealing indeed. However, the Bible encourages us to not be dangerously impulsive, but to something called perseverance. As Christ followers, we are challenged to stick-to-it-ness, and to see those things that are not as if they were. Why? Because that is how our heavenly Father treats and sees us! Praying, believing and trusting the Lord for transformation honors Him and forces us to rely on His spiritual fruit called patience.

Want a new spouse? Pray for the one you have!
Want a new pastor and church? Pray for the ones you have!
Want a new life? Pray for the one God gave you!

The grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence. Sometimes the change we really need is not our circumstances, but in our perspectives and perceptions. Remember, wherever you go, you take you with you!

Like Lily, stick it out. I promise you, the Lord is faithful and the sun will shine again.